About Coach Strick

While attending a fitness conference 10 years ago I discovered why people weren’t getting results from their hard work… and my passion for health was reignited!

I had just spent the previous 5 years since serving 4 years in the Marine Corps finishing up my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science, completing two internships, studying everything to become the best personal trainer I could, and opening my own fitness studio.

I felt there were a lot of people that needed help getting in shape and improving their health (and considering the physical fitness was one of the only things I liked about the military) I figured I could help. It didn’t take long, though, to figure out that there was a lot more to weight loss than I first thought.

So by the time I was attending this conference 10 years ago I had already worked with many people and had witnessed many weight loss failures. People that wanted to lose weight but didn’t. People that were working out hard and starving themselves but not getting the results they deserved.

This conference was smaller and more intimate than an average conference but there were some big name, heavy hitters that were presenting. So I was quite surprised to hear that at least half of the speakers ended up talking down about other celebrity fitness trainers during their speeches. They believed that these other fitness personalities didn’t
know what they were doing and that their methods were less than optimal at best.

What reignited my passion and was the motivation for this website and podcast wasn’t just that these well respected, very intelligent fitness professionals were talking crap on other more successful trainers.

It was that both of these groups were promoting essentially the exact same method for weight loss, the conventional Calories In versus Calories Out method and they were both wrong!

This conference was smaller and more intimate than an average conference but there were some big name, heavy hitters that were presenting. So I was quite surprised to hear that at least half of the speakers ended up talking down about other celebrity fitness trainers during their speeches. They believed that these other fitness personalities didn’t

know what they were doing and that their methods were less than optimal at best.

What reignited my passion and was the motivation for this website and podcast wasn’t just that these well respected, very intelligent fitness professionals were talking crap on other more successful trainers.

It was that both of these groups were promoting essentially the exact same method for weight loss, the conventional Calories In versus Calories Out method and they were both wrong!

What got me so fired up was that I knew that when it came to weight loss information the person looking to lose weight had only two real options: the information being promoted by the celebrity fitness personalities or the information that was being promoted by the educated speakers at this conference. At that point in my career I had worked with enough people and had studied enough to know that the conventional method for weight loss was flawed.

If it was as simple as eating less and exercising more there would be no confusion. But seeing how the obesity rate in the United States is nearly 70% I’d say it is not that simple and we as a people are pretty confused when it comes to weight loss.

If you have used exercise or dieting to lose weight before and failed. This website and podcast will explain why.

Expanding the weight loss conversation to beyond just calories is our mission and I hope to help you understand the Calorie Conundrum (why calories in vs calories out sometimes doesn’t produce the desired results).

There are many flaws with the conventional calories in vs calories out mindset but below I are a few:

Not addressing the foundational health principles.

(thinking, breathing, moving, nutrition, hydration, and sleep). Attempting to lose weight without addressing these is like trying to build a house without a foundation.

Not accounting for stress load.

Disease (or obesity) in the body is a manifestation of excess stress accumulation. Stress comes in many different forms (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual) and not accounting for these different kinds of stress is why many people attempting to lose weight end up injured, burnt out and tired, or both.

Treating the body like a math equation.

The human body is far more complex than even science can explain so if you try to apply a simple math equation to it to lose weight you are bound to fail.

My vision is to inspire individuals to take ownership of their body and mind and accept the responsibility to improve their health and live their potential.

So if your goal is to lose weight or improve your health then listening to the podcast and being a part of our community of like minded individuals will set you on the right path.

“Not everything that can be counted counts.
Not everything that counts can be counted.”
